Putting the Nut in Nutrition
Nuts are a great snack as a 1 ounce portion, depending on the nut, provides you with anywhere from 2-6 grams of protein, 1-3 grams of fiber, and for the most part, the fat content in nuts is poly and monounsaturated fats. These are the heart healthy fats that decrease the risk of heart disease by lowering your total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol. One type of polyunsaturated fat, Omega 3 fatty acids, are found in walnuts. Omega 3s appear to decrease the risk of coronary artery disease, protect against irregular heartbeats and lower blood pressure. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, pay attention to portion size and understand that a 1 ounce serving (or a small handful) of dry roasted unsalted nuts contains anywhere from 160-200 calories. Click on this link, http://www.nuthealth.org/nutrition/1oz.htm, to view a chart containing all nutrition information about various nuts. Happy snacking!
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