Friday, July 2, 2010

BBQ and You

The BBQ is what the 4th of July is all about. With that said, here is a breakdown of calories of a typical 4th BBQ. These are ballpark calorie numbers as everyone prepares food differently. These are baseline and/or standard numbers before anything is added. Keep these numbers in mind as you step up to the plate this weekend. Happy 4th!

Hot Dog w/bun - 250 calories
Turkey Dog w/bun - 180 calories
4 ounce Grilled Chicken Breast w/bbq sauce - 300 calories
6 ounces of Pork Ribs - 500 calories
4 ounce Hamburger w/bun - 450 calories
4 ounce Turkey Burger w/bun - 220 calories

1/2 cup Potato Salad - 200 calories
1/2 Macaroni Salad - 200 calories
1/2 Cole Slaw - 80 calories

1/2 cup Hagen Daz Vanilla Ice Cream - 300 calories
Slice of Homemade Apple Pie (9" diameter) - 400 calories


  1. Apple Pie + Vanilla Ice Cream = 700 calories... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  2. How many calories is a hotdog with grilled onions, sauer kraut, mustard, ketchup, AND tobasco sauce?
